Born in a distinguished entrepreneurial family in Puttur, Michael D’Souza started his journey through Souza Metal Mart in Puttur. Later on, he expanded his base to Mangalore with Souza Electronics. Finally, he shifted to Dubai. Presently he owns Dunes and Ivory Grand in Dubai. His Flagship Company HAS Hospitality provides employment and livelihood to many families.
His EDUCARE program, under the auspices of CODP, Dioceses of Mangalore helps students in higher education. He has established a fund of Rs. 25 crores exclusively for it. He has another fund of Rs 10 crore which helps the marginalized sections of the society.
He has initiated setting up the Civil Service Academy at St Aloysius College in Mangalore. to encourage the youth to take up civil service as a career,
He is a generous donor to various religious institutions in Mangalore and Udupi dioceses. He is also extending financial support to self-employment projects and supporting Konkani literature and cultural activities in India and Dubai. He lives in Abu Dhabi. (Collected from public domain)
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