John D'Silva is a renowned cooperative banker and entrepreneur in Bombay.
He was born on May 16, 1936, in a farmer's family in Sanoor Village in Karkala Taluka of Karnataka State. After primary schooling in the local St Joseph's School, and secondary education at the S V T School, he went to Bombay for higher education at the instance of his elder brother. He attended the Karnataka Free Night High School till he passed SSLC in 1955. Then he did his BA and B.Com. alongside holding a regular Government job. In 1962 he was instrumental in forming the New Cosmopolitan Education Society at Abhyudaya Nagar, as Abhyudaya Education Society in 1964.
He was instrumental in founding four co-operative banks in Bombay- Abhyudaya Co-op. Bank Ltd., New India Co-op. Bank Ltd., Citizencredit Co-op. Bank Ltd., Model Co-op. Bank Ltd. He is an advisor and guide to many cooperative banks and allied bodies. Being an expert in cooperative banking occupies numerous honourary positions too.
He was given numerous awards too - Entrepreneur of the Year 2005 Award from Rachana, Mangalore, Lifetime Achievement Award-2008 from Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations of Karnataka, Bangalore, Distinguished Achievement Awards-2008 to Outstanding Konkani from Dr. T. M. A. Pai Foundation, Manipal. (Collected from the public domain)
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