Eric Gonsalves has been Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. He was India’s former Ambassador to the European Union and Japan. Former Editor-in-Chief of the South Asian Survey, a journal by the Indian Council for South Asian Cooperation, Ambassador Gonsalves is also a Life Trustee of The International Centre, Goa
Ambassador Gonsalves was born on May 9, 1928. He was selected for the IFS on May 25, 1950. Eric Gonsalves joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1950 and served in various capacities including Counsellor, in London; Deputy Chief of Mission, in Washington; Ambassador to Japan and the European Union; Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs (Vice Minister).
After retirement, he served as Director of India International Centre, Delhi 1986-91, and was Director Asian Relations Commemorative Conference in 1987. Gonsalves was a member of the International Observer Group for the Sri Lanka Elections 1989-94, Member of the Board of Management MAHE (now Manipal University) 1994-2006, President of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi (till April 2008). Currently, he is a Member of the Governing Body of the Centre for Policy Research, Delhi, and the Convenor of the Indian Delegation BCIM (Bangladesh China India Myanmar) Forum (Collected from the public domain)
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