Dr. Bernard D’ Sami served as an Associate Professor in History at the Department of History at Loyola College, Chennai. He recently concluded his tenure as Dean of the School of Excellence (SHE). He is a Senior Fellow at LISSTAR (Loyola Institute of Social Science Training and Research) at Loyola College, Chennai.
He is a Salzburg Fellow (1994). He pursued a course on ‘Forced Migration’ at the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University. He went to Stockholm, Sweden on the Olaf Palme North-South Fellowship program to the Stockholm Institute of Education in the summer of 2002. He was an Executive Committee member of the Association of the British Scholars (ABS) in India till September 2016. He went to San Remo in Italy in September 2016 selected by the UNHCR for a pilot course on Statelessness at the International Institute for Humanitarian Law he has been invited to a Global Academic Network and is a member of it in the newly initiated GCR (Global Compact on Refugees -2018)) He is a Guest faculty at IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Madras. (Collected from public domain)
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