Dr Austin has been an outstanding leader throughout his 40+ years of Lionism, as a member of Lions Club. He has served at the Club, District, State, and International levels doing an outstanding job at all levels.
Twice as a Governor and Vice Council Chairman, he showed his leadership skills in making special programs like Lions Open University, VisionFirst, and Tsunami Relief Fund and made them great successful programs. Dr. Austin was also two terms President of the India Catholic Association of America, one-time secretary of the Federation of Indian Associations in Mid-America, Treasurer of The Federation of Indo-American Christian Associations of North America, Director of New Republic of India, International, Advisor of International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England.
He is the recipient of numerous Awards at various levels. Dr. Austin received an Award from the President of India in December 2009 in Mangalore for promoting Konkani culture and literary contributions through his books and articles in the US; He received ‘The Millennium Leadership Award’ from the Federation of Indian Associations in 2000 and a Leadership Award by Bishop of Mangalore-India, also in 2000. He was named to the Asian American Hall of Fame in 2003 for Community Service. He received the “District 1A Citizen of the Year Award, 2018” on March 25, 2018, during District 1A 50th Convention. He was also elected as a District Trustee from District 1A for the Lions of Illinois Foundation and became its Secretary in July 2018. Again, he has been elected as the Secretary of the Lions of Illinois Foundation for the second term.
He has been editing and publishing 3 e-magazines: Veez Konkani Weekly in 4 Scripts, Illinois Lion & Leo State Magazine for the State of Illinois, and Governor’s Newsletter for District 1A Lions Governor. He is one of the members of US President Donald Trump’s Advisory Board and US President’s Life Member, Order of Merit.
He was honored at the Gulf Voice of Mangalore-6 in Kuwait with the title: “Konkan Karavallicho Veer” on November 9, 2018. Earlier in India he was the editor and publisher of Four local news magazines in India- Mithr Weekly, Jhelo Fortnightly, Kannik Monthly, and Yuvak Monthly.
Dr Austin was born on August 8, 1950, in Nanthur, Mangalore. He did his early education in Mangalore. Later on, he pursued higher education in the USA. He has an MBA and PhD from Universities in the USA. (Collected from public domain)
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