Barry O’Brien has been deeply involved in the affairs of the Anglo-Indian community for over three decades. He began his work for the community at the grassroots level and was nominated to represent it in the West Bengal legislative assembly (2006–11).
Since 2001, he has been a governing body member of the All-India Anglo-Indian Association and its president-in-chief since 2016 when he was unanimously elected to lead the organization.
He is a sports journalist for Sportsworld; a social commentator and columnist for The Pioneer and The Telegraph; a pioneering author of school textbooks for leading publishers, with several bestselling titles; and now, a writer of narrative non-fiction. He also conducts quizzes, public speaking courses, and motivational sessions in India and overseas.
He runs two homes for the elderly, and other outreach initiatives of the East India Charitable Trust and the Telegraph Education Foundation in Kolkata.
According to the 2011 census the Government had claimed that there are only 296 Anglo- Indians in India. There is a chapter in his book – ‘Another Betrayal – this time by the Government of India’, where he refutes the Government census and says there are about 4 lakh Anglo-Indians today in India (Collected from the public domain)
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